

Applies a schedule to a given date to provide a calculated date. If the date is not provide the current date is used. This type will most often be used to calculate the current date or the current time, or a next business date.

The org.oddjob.schedules.ScheduleResult is also available and this can be used to calculate recurring schedules as in the example below.

Property Summary

date The Date to use.
result The result of applying the schedule which is a ScheduleResult bean that has the properties fromDate, toDate and useNext.
schedule The schedule to use.
timeZone The time zone to apply the schedule for.

Example Summary

Example 1 Display the time now.
Example 2 Use a schedule with a time zone.
Example 3 Calculate the next business date.
Example 4 Display the due dates for a recurring schedule.

Property Detail


Configured ByELEMENT

The Date to use.



The result of applying the schedule which is a ScheduleResult bean that has the properties fromDate, toDate and useNext.


Configured ByELEMENT

The schedule to use.


Configured ByATTRIBUTE

The time zone to apply the schedule for.


Example 1

Display the time now. Note the date variable is passed into Oddjob during the testing of this example so the time can be fixed, but run as is it will be null and so the current time will be displayed.

<oddjob id="this">
                <variables id="time">
                                <value value="${date}"/>
                                <schedules:now xmlns:schedules="http://rgordon.co.uk/oddjob/schedules"/>
                        <format date="${time.now}" format="hh:mm a"/>
                <echo id="echo-time">The time now is ${time.formatted}</echo>

Example 2

Use a schedule with a time zone. This example displays when tomorrow starts in Hong Kong in the local time.

<oddjob id="this">
                <variables id="time">
                        <schedule timeZone="Asia/Hong_Kong">
                                <value value="${date}"/>
                                <schedules:day-after xmlns:schedules="http://rgordon.co.uk/oddjob/schedules"/>
                        <format date="${time.now}" format="hh:mm a"/>
                <echo id="echo-time">Tomorrow in Hong Kong starts at ${time.formatted} our time.</echo>
Note that to display the current time in Hong Kong we would use a Time Zone on the format type, not on the now schedule because dates internally use UTC (Coordinated Universal Time) so now will always be the same regardless of time zone.

Example 3

Calculate the next business date. Two schedule types are used, the first calculates the next day, the next takes this and applies it to a schedule that defines the business days. The result will be the next business day.

<oddjob xmlns:schedules="http://rgordon.co.uk/oddjob/schedules">
                <variables id="time">
                                <value value="${date}"/>
                                <value value="${time.tomorrow}"/>
                                        <schedules:weekly from="Monday" to="Friday">
                                                <schedules:date on="2011-12-26"/>
                                                <schedules:date on="2011-12-27"/>
                <echo id="echo-time">The next business date is ${time.nextBusinessDay}</echo>

Example 4

Display the due dates for a recurring schedule. This would be useful for experimenting with schedules.

<oddjob id="this">
                <variables id="vars">
                        <value value="${date}"/>
                        <tokenizer text="1,2,3,4,5"/>
                                            <variables id="time">
                                                            <value value="${vars.date}"/>
                                                            <schedules:weekly from="Monday" to="Friday" xmlns:schedules="http://rgordon.co.uk/oddjob/schedules">
                                                                    <schedules:daily from="10:30"/>
                                            <echo>Next due: ${time.schedule.result}</echo>
                                                    <value key="vars.date" value="${time.schedule.result.useNext}"/>

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