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Getting Started

Installing and Running Oddjob.


Installing on Windows

Download the file oddjob-1.6.0.zip and unzip to a directory of your choice.

Installing on Linux

Download the .tar.gz move to a directory of your choice, and then unpack the tarball

tar xzvf oddjob-1.6.0.tar.gz

Running Oddjob

From the console, change directory to where you installed oddjob and run:

java -jar run-oddjob.jar -f server-jobs.xml

And you should see:


To add a browser, run:

java -jar run-oddjob.jar -f server-web.xml

Point your browser at localhost:8080 and you should see:

Oddjob In a Browser Startup

Navigate down the job tree in the left panel to get more detail:

Oddjob In a Browser More Detail

Type Ctrl-C to stop the server.

To edit jobs, run:

java -jar run-oddjob.jar server-web.xml

Select the root job in the left of the panel and hit Ctrl-Alt-R to start the server. (The jobs are now visible in the browser again)

Navigate down the job tree to one of the jobs, and hit Ctrl-G to change the configuration:

Configuration in Oddjob Explorer

Oddjob Explorer is the main way of interacting with Oddjob and will be central in the next few sections.

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