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Custom Jobs

Writing an Oddjob job.


Oddjob's philosophy is to be as unobtrusive as possible. A job in Oddjob is just an java.lang.Runnable or a java.util.concurrent.Callable. For all but the most advanced interaction with the framework, you don't need Oddjob on the classpath.

Hello World

Here's how easy it is to write a job:

package org.oddjob.devguide;

public class HelloWorldJob implements Runnable {

    public void run() {
        System.out.println("Hello World!");

To get Oddjob to run our job we need to create a configuration file:

        <bean class="org.oddjob.devguide.HelloWorldJob"/>

And run it:

$ java -jar run-oddjob.jar -cp examples/classes -f examples/devguide/hello1.xml
Hello World!

Notice that the classpath option -cp is after the -jar. This is Oddjobs option, not Java's. This is because -jar ignores any existing classpath and any classpath option.

We can now also load it in Oddjob Explorer (but we need still need the classpath).

$ java -jar run-oddjob.jar -cp examples/classes examples/devguide/hello1.xml

We get:

Hello in Oddjob

Hello Rod, Jane, and Freddy

Here's a configurable job.

package org.oddjob.devguide;

public class HelloPeopleJob implements Runnable {

    private String[] who;
    public void setWho(String[] who) {
        this.who = who; 
    public String[] getWho() {
        return who;
    public void run() {
        for (int i = 0; i < who.length; ++i) {
            System.out.println("Hello " + who[i] + "!");            
    public String toString() {
        return "Hello People";

With a configuration:

        <bean class="org.oddjob.devguide.HelloPeopleJob">
                        <value value="Rod"/>
                        <value value="Jane"/>
                        <value value="Freddy"/>

And fire it up as before:

Hello People in Oddjob

The job also has a nice name. We also gave our new job a toString() method, and that's what explorer uses to label the job.


So lets take a moment to reflect on what we've got:

Not bad for a dozen lines of code.

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