

Executes it's children in a sequence one after the other. The sequence will only continue to be executed if each child COMPLETEs. If a child is INCOMPLETE, or throws an EXCEPTION then execution will terminate and this job's state will reflect that of the failed child.

This behaviour can be changed by setting the independent property which will cause execution to continue regardless of the last executed child state.

State Operator

The stateOperator property changes the way in which this jobs state reflects its child states. Oddjob currently supports the following State Operators:
If any child is EXECUTING, ACTIVE or STARTING this job's state will be ACTIVE. Otherwise, if a child is STARTED, this job's state will be STARTED. Otherwise, if a child is READY, this job's state will be READY. Otherwise, this job's state will reflect the worst state of the child jobs.
This job's state will be EXCEPTION or INCOMPLETE if any of the child job's are in this state. Otherwise the rules for ACTIVE apply.
This state operator is designed for starting services. This job will COMPLETE when all services are STARTED. If any services fails to start this job reflects the EXCEPTION state. Because this job, when using this state operator, completes even though it's children are running, this job is analogous to creating daemon threads in that the services will not stop Oddjob from shutting down once all other jobs have completed.


As with other structural jobs, when this job is stopping, either because of a manual stop, or during Oddjob's shutdown cycle, the child jobs and services will still be stopped in an reverse order.


If this job has an Id and Oddjob is running with a Persister, then this job's state will be persisted when it changes. Thus a COMPLETE state will be persisted once all child jobs have completed. If Oddjob is restarted at this point the COMPLETE state of this job will stop the child job's from re-running, if though they themselves might not have been persisted. To stop this job from being persisted set the transient property to true. Not that when starting services with this job, persistence is probably not desirable as it will stop the services from re-starting.

Re-running Child Jobs

If the failed job is later run manually and completes this Job will reflect the new state. As such it is useful as a trigger point for the completion of a sequence of jobs.

Property Summary

independent Whether the child jobs are independent or not.
jobs The child jobs.
name A name, can be any text.
stateOperator Set the way the children's state is evaluated and reflected by the parent.
stop Read only view of the internal stop flag.
transient Is this job transient.

Example Summary

Example 1 A simple sequence of two jobs.
Example 2 Starting two services.

Property Detail


Configured ByATTRIBUTE
RequiredDefault is dependent child jobs.

Whether the child jobs are independent or not.


Configured ByELEMENT
RequiredNo, but pointless if missing.

The child jobs.


Configured ByATTRIBUTE

A name, can be any text.


Configured ByATTRIBUTE
RequiredNo, default is WORST.

Set the way the children's state is evaluated and reflected by the parent. Values can be WORST, ACTIVE, or SERVICES.


RequiredRead only.

Read only view of the internal stop flag. This flag is cleared with a reset.


Configured ByATTRIBUTE
RequiredNo, default is false.

Is this job transient. If true state will not be persisted.


Example 1

A simple sequence of two jobs.

        <sequential name="A sequence of two jobs">
                <echo>This runs first.</echo>
                <echo>This runs after.</echo>

Example 2

Starting two services. To perform odd jobs, in a workshop for instance, this first 'job' is to turn on the lights and turn on any machines required. The service manager encompasses this idea - and this example embelishes the idea. Real odd jobs for Oddjob will involve activities such as starting services such as a data source or a server connection. The concept however is still the same.

      <sequential id="service-manager" stateOperator="SERVICES">
          <bean id="lights" class="org.oddjob.jobs.structural.ServiceManagerTest$Lights"/>
          <bean id="machine" class="org.oddjob.jobs.structural.ServiceManagerTest$MachineThatGoes" goes="ping"/>
      <echo>The lights are ${lights.are} and the machine goes ${machine.goes}.</echo>
The services are started in order. Once both services have started a job is performed that requires both services. If this configuration were running from the command line, Oddjob would stop the services as it shut down. First the machine would be turned of and then finally the lights would be turned out.

(c) Rob Gordon 2005 - 2017